Softly, Softly-White Tiger by John Seerey-Lester Framed consignment



Softly, Softly-White Tiger by John Seerey-Lester Framed consignment

Fine Art Print on Paper  Limited Edition of 950  Image Size 30.625 x 19.125  Signed by John Seerey-Lester. Framed as shown from a private collection with a unique textured top mat.

With work hanging at the White House and in permanent, private and Museum collections, throughout the world, John Seerey-Lester has become one of the most renowned of today’s wildlife and historic artists.

He moved to America over 30 years ago, making it his base of operation, and is now proud to be a citizen of the USA. He has continued to travel the world in search of images, over the years, preferring to paint from life. He has visited such diverse locations as Africa, China (where he painted the rare Giant Panda in the wild), India, the Arctic and Antarctica as well as Central and South America. It was a visit to East Africa over 35 years ago that gave birth to his interest in wildlife. Published by Mill Pond Press, John has had over 400 different limited edition prints produced over the years, which led to him being one of the most sought after artists.

Before this, in his native England, John worked as a journalist, magazine editor and local government press officer before gaining enormous popularity in his home country for paintings of nostalgic scenes of the Victorian and Edwardian era. Now he has combined that early fascination for historic themes with his continuing interest in wildlife to capture in paint, the golden age of the White Hunter and the hunting heritage of North America. In a new series of paintings, John is revisiting the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in what is becoming his most successful work.

John has gained a reputation over the years for producing images with a narrative and which are both mysterious and mystical. Now he has taken this skill to produce a remarkable series of paintings depicting historic hunts of safari legends.John has received many awards and much recognition for his outstanding achievements in the field of wildlife and sporting art. John was awarded the Ring of Freedom Award by the NRA, and was invited to become a member of the International Order of St. Hubertus. He was Knighted this year, by his Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Andreas of Austria. John’s investiture took place in Houston, Texas, on March 23, 2013.

 He was presented to His Royal Highness Prince Phillip and was commended for his work in conservation. He has been chosen to exhibit works in the prestigious Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum’s “Birds in Art” and “Wildlife: An Artist’s View”, shows each year since 1983 and his paintings are in their permanent collection. He has been made Master or Featured Artist for nearly every major wildlife art show over the years. He has also displayed in several other Museums such as the Gilcrease Museum, and National Museum of Wildlife Art, and in many other permanent collections such as Bennington Center for the Arts, and Nature in Art Museum. John was Artist of the Year and featured artist for: South Eastern Wildlife Expo, Miniature ’85, Pac Rim Wildlife Art Show, Florida Wildlife Expo, 7th Annual South East Invitational Miniature Show, Celebration Weekend and presented with the Key to the City of Troy Ohio, Reflections of Nature to name a few. John was presented with the Award of Excellence and the Patricia Allen Bott Award for his Mara River Horse (2002), and again in (2006) for “White On White” by the Society of Animal Artists. In 2011 he received the Award of Excellence from the Susan K. Black Foundation. Sporting Classics awarded him as the Artist of the Year in 2012.

John is on the board of The Roger Tory Peterson Institute, the Board of Artists for Conservation, and has a regular column in Sporting Classics Magazine. You will frequently find him featured along with his paintings in numerous magazines such Sarasota Magazine, Dallas Safari Club’s GameTrails, the NRA’s American Rifleman, and Ring of Freedom, as well as InformartAfrican HunterSports Afield, Wildlife ArtWestern and American Art Collectors. He is a member of The Society of Animal Artists, Artists for Conservation, Oil Painters of America, and a founding member of Southern Plein Air Artists.

A book on his life and work was released in November 1991. The book, Face to Face with Nature: The Art of John Seerey-Lester, sold out in 1995. A second book titled Impressions of India and Nepal, based on his fieldwork there, was published soon after. His more recent book Painting Wildlife with John Seerey-Lester, which was published in 2003, has also sold out. His book “Useppa A Passage in Time” was published in October 2007. “Useppa” won a Silver Medal for its images and outstanding historical content.

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