Featured Artists’ Showcase

Our featured artists’ showcase began 8 years ago as a way to include a changing display of original art by local and Northwest artists.
What is the Featured Artist Showcase?
Beginning in March, 2024, the Showcase will be changing as we welcome the new Artist In Action Gallery in the main space at the store.
We will be featuring fewer artists in the adjacent gallery spaces including the lounge/frame it fast room, the hallway gallery and the Annex Gallery space.
Artists will beon display for 2-month terms and each artist consigns from 8-20 artworks (depending on size) to fill an 8 ft x 8 ft space.
The showcase is our attempt to:
- Provide new and emerging artists with a friendly gallery environment to begin their art journey.
- Present a variety of art styles, media and genres in each showcase.
- Support our Northwest Artist Community.