Current Featured Artists

Click on links for the artist’s webpages or the About links to learn more about our artists. Below are just a few images currently being displayed in the gallery.

Sage Dunham
Sage Dunham is a ceramic artist from Salem Oregon who specializes in Raku and functional high-fire stoneware. He gets much of his artistic inspiration from the colors and shapes of nature, especially those found in the beautiful forests and coastlines of the Pacific Northwest.

Toby Wayne Larson
Toby is a new artist with the gallery who works in clay and bronze. His work focuses on figurative subjects although he has created wildlife and creature art as part of his gallery of works.

Tricia Heiser Wente
Tricia was one of our Gallery 444 artists in 2023 and has been in some of the AIA group shows. She is a prolific painter who works in a variety of media and subjects but is probably best known for her landscape and floral works.

Nature Art of Susan Bourdet
Susan is a nationally published artist who lives is Jefferson, OR. She is a regularly featured artist at the gallery. About Susan.

Marilyn McMurray
Marilyn is a Salem area artist who has been a part of the showcase since we started 6 years ago, About Marilyn.

Brandon Pasak
Brandon is a local ceramic artist who works in both traditional forms and whimsical gnome houses and more. About Brandon

Brent Allen
Brent is one of the gallery owners and serves as the General Manager for the store. About Brent.

Gabrielle Petro
Gabrielle uses natural and polished stones in unique hand-wrapped wire settings.

Marc Vickery
Marc creates beauty from beauty as he works with Northwest woods, turning one of a king vessels, ornaments and boxes. About Marc.

Judy Dunn
Judy works in the challenging media of polymer clay, building her creations from pre-designed sections and forming them into traditional shapes and whimsical creatures. About Judy

Gary McGuire
Gary is a Woodbrun area wood-turner who has been a regular featured artist at the gallery as well as the Salem Art Fair. He has been active in several wood-turning groups in Oregon.

Photography of Bill Doty
Bill is an Oregon photographer who has traveled extensively to gather his landscape imagery.

Hilda Kidd Barber
Hilda has been a regular featured ceramacist at the gallery for a number of years as well as at the Salem Art Fair. She creates her whimsical work at her Monmouth studio, Fishbowl Pottery,
The Gallery has a long-standing tradition of bringing new art and artists to the Willamette Valley. Our Featured Artist Programs provide a great showcase for Northwest artists and change every month. Keep in touch with our artists by visiting our website often.