Associate Artists Webpages

About our Associate Artist Webpages
As an extension of the featured artist showcase, the gallery is offering local artists the opportunity to have a hosted representative page on the gallery website This new opportunity is separate from existing featured artist programs and does not require the artist to participate in gallery exhibits. Webpages will be setup to match the template of the Gallery site and include links to the gallery store and the artist’s social media pages.
Each artist page will feature an artist biography/statement and links to their social media and other contact information as needed. Artists are encouraged to regularly update their biographical information and may do so at any time at no additional cost. As the artists will not have administrative control of their page, changes may be submitted to the main gallery e-mail address. Audio/Video and other large file formats would be assessed at a higher fee due to the additional data usage.
Costs/Consignment Fees
The program involves a $50 initial set-up and publishing fee and then just $5 per item for listing artwork on the site (artist provides publishable jpg images). Additional help with basic photography* and processing of item available for an additional fee. Each artwork is entered onto the individual artist’s page and linked directly to the gallery store to facilitate sales for the items. Available items from each artist will be consigned at a rate of just 15% through this program. Each artwork listed in the store needs to be accompanied by a website consignment form with the title, size, media, price and any other descriptive information for the item.
Once an artist has entered the program, the webpage and item listings are permanent, and the artist can add or delineate artworks at any time. If an artist needs to cancel their page, they can do so at any time but the fees incurred in the development are non-refundable.
Outside Sales/Finder’s Fees
Artists need to notify the gallery of any sales of the featured artworks within 24 hours so that we can remove them from the online listings. There is no additional finder’s fee required for items sold outside of the gallery program since artists have paid to list the items in advance. Removal of artworks from the webpage is free and new additions would be entered at a rate of $5 per item(photography fees may be applied as needed).
This program is designed specifically for artists who do not have existing art sites representing their work. To avoid any conflict of interest, we would encourage participating artists to limit the number of sales oriented sites representing their artwork. It is open to artists of all media and themes although the gallery reserves the right to discern entries based on appropriate subject matter and finished quality of the consigned items. As mentioned, artists do not have to participate in gallery shows to be included in this program. We do encourage the artists to participate in local art groups and in our frequent group and juried showings here.
Items included on the artists’ pages should be available for sale although some may be listed as N.F.S. to show examples of the artist’s style or technique. Help with pricing is available for artists by consultation with the gallery staff as well as assistance with framing and design. Click the logo to visit our Artist Resources Page
Getting Started
To get started in this program, please gather the following information to expedite the process:
- Create/update your artist biography, artist statement and any other information you would like to include about your artistic experience, patron/collection lists, techniques and training.
- Photograph all artworks to be included in your webpage. (JPG’s are preferred – watermarks and/or copyright information on each image are encouraged). Photos should be of publishable quality but limited to 2MB file size.
- Fill out a website consignment agreement for the artwork being featured. We suggest that each artwork be submitted with an accompanying descriptive text or story including the context, meaning, location or other pertinent subject information.
- Webpage fees must be paid in advance of the posting along with any additional item fees or photographic costs.
- The gallery can offer only basic photography of items for the listing. Extensive editing of images is not available through the store. We have connections with local photographers who can assist you in obtaining publisher quality images.
For a printable pdf of this information, click HERE

Supporting the local arts scene has been a long-standing tradition at the gallery. It’s our hope that this new program, in conjunction with our monthly shows and Featured Artist Showcase, will help our local arts community to grow and prosper.
For questions regarding participation in this program, contact Brent Allen-General Manager @ 503-581-4642 or via e-mail
If you are an artist and would like to get involved in one of our showcase opportunities, contact Brent at or by phone (503)581-4642.
[column_content type=”one_third” animation=”name of animation”]For a printable pdf of this information, click HERE[separator height=”20″]For questions regarding participation in this program, contact Brent Allen-General Manager @ 503-581-4642 or via e-mail[separator height=”20″]
[separator height=”20″]If you are an artist and would like to get involved in one of our showcase opportunities, contact Brent at or by phone (503)581-4642.[/column_content]
[column_content type=”one_third_last” animation=”name of animation”]Supporting the local arts scene has been a long-standing tradition at the gallery. It’s our hope that this new program, in conjunction with our monthly shows and Featured Artist Showcase, will help our local arts community to grow and prosper.