Susan Thompson- Artists in Action Gallery

Artist Biography:
Susan Thompson enjoys painting animals and objects of everyday life as well as landscape and portraits. She paints primarily in acrylic and enjoys capturing the spirit and joy of the world around her.
Landscapes, distant vistas and forest views are a specialty all represented with humor and defined by emphasis on rhythm, pattern, color and balanced composition.
Trained as an artist in Chicago, at Drake University and at the University of Arizona, Susan brings knowledge of a wide variety of media into her works. Stained glass is a focus of many of her pieces represented in acrylic and presented as compositions of color, light and imagery. Over the years, her career has included many animal portraits each of which have highlighted her joy and artistic expression.
For the last twenty years while teaching both privately, at Chemeketa Community College and as a visiting artist, Susan, an early member of Artists in Action, has owned or has been involved in four galleries in the Salem area. She has shown in galleries and has completed commissions in Salem, Silverton, in Chicago and in Los Angeles. Soon she hopes to be a member of a gallery in Whidbey Island where she will also be teaching.