Neale Quenzel- Artists in Action Gallery

Artist Biography:
Neale Quenzel Neale Quenzel studied painting in watercolor as part of his college training as an architect.
During his career as an historic preservation architect, Neale studied watercolor under Rea Redifer, Carl Schmalz and Philip Jamison. Later, Neale studied under Karen Leffel-Massengill who insisted that he switch mediums to oils. This change opened a new world which provided greater flexibility and ability to undertake a much wider expression of subjects.
Neale has shown and sold his works at West Chester Art Assoc. (Pennsylvania), Hobe Sound Art Gallery (Florida), The Bush Barn, The Art Department, and Art In The Valley Gallery (Oregon).In addition to works that he sells through galleries, Neale has undertaken several commissions for private clients.
Artist Statement:
As a representational artist, light and the expression of atmospheric perspective are the most important aspects of Neale’s paintings. Light, as expressed through value, saturation and blending of colors, is an ongoing challenge in his efforts to paint the landscapes of Oregon. He loves painting in Oregon because of our two principal painting seasons: the warm light of the clear days of spring and summer, and the cool light in the overcast days of fall and winter. Each have their own unique qualities which directly affect painting landscapes.
Paintings by Joaquin Sorolla, Claude Monet and William Turner have the strongest influences on Neale’s own artwork as he attempts to convey to the viewer how light is expressed through his handling of color and brushwork. Working both outdoors and in his studio, Neale is continually searching for ways to develop his painting style so that you, the viewer may see what he has seen. This is not an attempt to produce a photo-likeness, but rather an impression, a vision of the landscape.