Michelle Myers-Artists in Action Gallery

Artist Biogrpahy:
Michelle was born and raised in Northern, California and has lived in various locations around the United States such as Wahington, Michigan, Wyoming, Texas, Southern California and has recently retired to Keizer, Oregon. She holds and Associates’ Degree with an emphasis in painting and continues taking workshops to learn new techniques.
She is a member of California Watercolor Association, Watercolor West, Watercolor Society of Oregon, the National Watercolor Society, the Keizer Art Association and Artist in Action. Michelle has exhibited her art in galleries in California, Texas, Wyoming and Oregon, and she has won many awards with her artwork.
Artist Statement:
Michelle is inspired by the world around her and all the colors in nature. She uses this inspiration to vibrantly achieve the scenes she paints. Usings watercolor as her medium she is able to create views of still life, floral, and and seascapes with a glowing effect. She loves the way paint and paper react; with contrasts in hard and soft edges, with dark and light value and color melting on the paper to create shapes and forms that lead the viewer to see the glorious color in this brilliant world around us.