John Mohney- Artists in Action Gallery

Artist’s Biography:
I have been painting in watercolor for over twenty years and continually take classes and have taken many workshops from nationally recognized art teachers. I live in Stayton, Oregon.
My past exhibitions include the Village gallery in Cedar Mill, Oregon Society of artists, the Celebration of Creativity in Beaverton, Keizer Art Association and the Salem Art Association. I am a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon and have exhibited in their juried competitions.
I paint mainly in watercolor because it is an unending challenge. There are so many ways to paint in watercolor. Often you are surprised at what turns out because one does not always have control of the paint/water mix. I use a limited palette with 3-5 colors at most on any one painting. Watercolor painting is a long journey of learning.
Artist Statement:
My process of painting starts with gathering reference material. I usually have a sketchbook or camera at hand to record places, scenes and people. My final pictures may come from several sketches and photo references, not necessarily from the same place. Thus a painting may depict a northwest scene but not of a particular place.
Even when painting Plein Air I make a sketch first to compose the picture and then paint from the sketch, only looking at the scene to verify local details. Artists are always changing as they experiment, learn and grow. I have chosen these paintings for this show because of their bright colors and they also show the direction my painting is evolving in.
I am especially influenced by the simple joy of creation and the natural beauty we have surrounding us here in the northwest