Artist Resources
Your Northwest Artist Showcase…
Founded in 1986, the Elsinore Gallery has evolved to become a vital part of the Willamette Valley art scene. We are committed to bringing both new and established artists to the Willamette Valley through our monthly shows and Featured Artist opportunities.
Oue Newest Venture

In 2024, we began a cooperative arrangement with Artists in Action to host a members’ gallery in the main gallery space. Our vision to partner with a non-profit art group has led us to make this change and it is a wonderful addition to our gallery. We have worked with AiA for over 20 years and also host three juried shows for them each year apart from the Member gallery.
The AiA gallery features AiA members who are juried into the co-op by committee. Artists can sign up as sitting artists who participate in running the day to day operation of the gallery or they can opt in for other committee work as part of their commitment to the group. There are a variety of options and levels of involvement and consignment through this new opportunity.

Artist Opportunites:
In addition to our new AiA Member gallery, we have a lot of opportunities for our local and northwest Artists

1. Monthly Changing Exhibits:
The gallery has a long-standing tradition of presenting monthly, changing art exhibits in Gallery 444. These include solo exhibits, group shows and invitational juried events, hosted by the gallery and other art groups.
Gallery 444 shows usually include 20-40 artworks and are scheduled up to one-year in advance. Artists and art groups are encouraged to submit ideas for exhibits to the gallery via e-mail or by contacting the Gallery Manager.

2. Featured Artist Showcase
Our Local and Northwest Artists’ Gallery. In our Founders’ Gallery and Annex art spaces, we feature up to 10 local and Northwest artists as part of our ever-changing display called the Featured Artist Showcase. We began this program about 8 years ago and it has grown to be one of our most popular features.
Other Opportunities for Artists:

Juried Group Showings:
As part of our regular show season, we host several juried shows. These shows are a great way to get involved in the gallery without the pressure or quantity demands of a showcase spot or a solo exhibit.
We also work closely with groups like Artists in Action, hosting juried shows with them and other local art, school and charitable groups.

Annual Events:
Some of our juried exhibits and community shows have become yearly traditions for the gallery. Rotating into our schedule are:
- Paint the Town – Artists in Action-October
- Annual Miniature Show
- May Flowers
- Invitational Photography Exhibit
- Capital Calligraphers
- Something Red – Artists in Action-December
- Spring Art Show with AIA.-April
If you are interested in participating as a featured artist, we’ve simplifed the process to make it even easier. Follow these simple steps to get started:
1. Submit your art images by e-mail (or links to your website) by clicking the E-mail button provided.
2. Let us know whether you are interested in the showcase or a one-month show.We will get back to you and let you know when the next showcase or featured show opportunity is available.
3. Fill out a consignment form with titles, media and retail prices.
Once we have our dates set, we will need a one-page artist biography/statement and images of the artwork you intend to bring in. We will let you know when to bring in your art and include you in our opening reception information for that month.
Want to know more?
We have provded an online form for your convenience.
Artist Interest Form
Use this form to let us know that you are interested in participating in the gallery artists’ programs.
We offer our local artists special framing incentives not available to the general public. We realize that quality framing for your creations can be quite expensive. We will work with your budget and design needs to make sure that your artwork is framed properly without breaking the bank.
For information on these framing programs, visit our design center in the gallery or contact the gallery via e-mail to schedule a consultation. We can advise you of the best options for your style, media and budget.